Sunday, March 23, 2014


When asked about her favorite fragrances Alex shared her tastes to us! If your like me your rushing to Sephora right now to smell all three, because if Alex likes it..... it's gotta be good!


Trying to collect tokyomilk fragrences~a brand I fell in love with when I was in coronado, California. it is a line of very odd and different fragrances. everything and nothing is #10 but I absolutely adore them all. very dark and daring perfumes.


2-tocca fragrances!! these are the sweetest and most delicate little floral scents. like tokyomilk, they are a line of perfumes that come in alike bottles. my favorite one is Florence because it smells very vintage and like gardenia and jasmine- my favorite flowers (scent-wise)


ngel is my ultimate favorite fragrance, what else can I say? I grew up with this scent and I will wear this scent until the day I die. it is so heavenly and perfect (comes in cologne and perfume!!!)

Enough said! The secrets are out... better get your sniffer ready.

Well while everyones talking about it... I guess I'll share my favorite too. I got Marc Jacobs Daisy for my birthday and I love it, it's so springy, fresh, floral and happy and I think the bottle is precious. It lifts my spirits every time I spray it on!

Whats your Signature Scent?

-Chic Academy

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